School of Industrial Engineering and Management


School of IEM is committed to ensuring that all students have a positive relationship with the school and its staff members. With this in mind, the school recognizes student’s and staff’s right to give feedback/ give inquiry/ complain without recrimination. This Guideline includes 3 steps you can do to ensure that complaints are resolved quickly and fairly.

  1. Before you submit your complaint

  • If your issue is an inquiry, concern, or feedback, please try to resolve your issue informally first (see 2. Resolve informally).
  • If you have been unable to resolve it informally, you should then speak up for your own sake as well as the well-being of your peers (see 3. Submit a complaint).
  1. Resolve informally

  • The most important thing to remember: COMMUNICATE DIRECTLY WITH THE LECTURERS/STAFFS/ STUDENTS involved in your inquiry/ concern/ feedback/ complaint.
  • Some complaints are subject to separate complaint procedures and policy processes at HCMIU. For the fastest response, consider connecting directly to the office of responsibility.
Responsibility Areas What you should do
Office of Undergraduate Student Services

  • Health Insurance
  • Student Card
  • Annual Political Education
  • Tuition Aid
  • Behavior Point
  • Student Securities
  • Psychological Counseling
  • Violations
Send the questions/requests to their website:


Walk-in consultation at Room O1.105 – IU Thu Duc

Office of Academic Affairs

  • Student Certification
  • Incomplete Grade & Examination Retake
  • Final Grades Appeal
  • Entrance & Encouragement Scholarship
  • Change Majors / Double Majors
  • Gap Year
  • Study Extension
  • Graduation Ceremony
Check out the relevant categories and point of contact at:


Walk-in consultation at Room O2.708 – IU Thu Duc

School of IEM

  • Course Evaluation
  • Whistle-blower
  • Facebook page:
  • Secretary Email:
  • Academic Advisor: as shown on your Edusoftweb
  • Walk-in consultation at Room O2.602 – IU Thu Duc
  1. Submit a complaint

This form should be the last resort for conflict resolution:

It gives the power of anonymity for whistle-blowers as well as a safe space for overpowered students/staffs to share your honest feedback so that the School of IEM may improve its education quality and work environment.

Nonetheless, kindly be aware that direct actions can only be taken when sufficient evidence is provided on time. Therefore, there are two approaches to consider:

Semi-anonymous feedback: If you leave a way of communication, i.e., phone number or email that has NOT been registered with the university, we can send you the resolution/ response from the Case Resolution Committee, and continue our two-way communication until satisfaction is met.

Anonymous feedback: Response from the Case Resolution Committee will be posted on the IEM Bulletin (in front of IEM office O2.602) within 07 working days from the date we officially received the feedback and fully received the evidence.


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